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About us Inc. has helped companies and organizations throughout the United States produce and publish printed newsletters and e-newsletters for more than 25 years. Although we don’t specialize in producing newsletters for businesses in any particular industry, we have vast experience working with clients in numerous industries. Even though we are a small business based just south of Minneapolis, in Lakeville, Minn., virtually all of our clients are located hundreds or thousands of miles away in other parts of the United States, including many on the East and West Coast.

To keep our costs down and our prices lower for customers, we work remotely – through phone calls, email, etc. – with all clients to produce high-quality yet reasonably priced newsletters. From writing/editing to design/layout, printing, mailing and emailing, our talented team can produce a full turnkey newsletter for you, or we can help you with only certain portions of the production.

Learn more about our services and how at, you’ll work with newsletter experts, including highly trained and experienced writers and editors.

Meet the owner and main customer contact’s owner, Dave Kandler, founded the company and website in 1995 and still works closely today with each and every client.

As creator of the the website and author of the Internet’s largest collection of company newsletter tips, ideas and “how to” articles, Kandler is recognized internationally as a company newsletter expert.

His articles and quotes about company newsletters have been featured on numerous business-related websites, as well as in a variety of publications, including sales and marketing magazines and books, trade journals and college textbooks.

Kandler has a journalism degree, as well as a strong business background. Before starting, he worked for many years as an award winning corporate newsletter editor, and he wrote or edited for a variety of magazines and a daily newspaper.